Behavioral Computational
Neuroscience Group 
A Not For Profit Organization
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7) Projects

As a virtual enterprise, the BCNGroup will configure itself to respond to selected opportunities as they are presented.

The BCNGroup will also create opportunities proactively by finding new ways to discover, archive and disseminate knowledge, particularly through the aggregation of heretofore disparate and seemingly unrelated disciplines.

Proposed initial projects include:

7a) The development of a theoretical foundation and systems architecture based upon the so called "Pribram-Hameroff-Penrose Viewpoint" (PHPV) about biological intelligence.

7b) The initiation of a Joint Russian/American Project in Applied Semiotics and Intelligence Systems (ASIS).

7c) The development of a gray literature collection supporting targeted areas of investigation.

7d) The development of basic technology supporting machine readable ontologies, automated document understanding and knowledge processing.

7e) A web-enabled multilingual knowledge management system.